Students Earn Best Poster Award During Women in Computing Conference

Hemmattie Gobind and Jasmatie Lutawan with their poster “The Programming Alchemist” which earned them the Best Poster Award during the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) New York Celebration of Women in Computing (NYC-WiC). They were the only students from a community college who presented during the conference.
Two students from the College combined forces this semester to create a unique approach
to coding and chemistry, earning top honors at a recent conference, chosen from among
students who are earning their Ph.D.s, master’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees.
Hemmattie Gobind, a Math/Science major, and Jasmatie Lutawan, Computer Science major, presented their poster “The Programming Alchemist” during the Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) New York Celebration of Women in Computing (NYC-WiC)
held in Lake George April 12 and April 13. They were the only students from a community
college who presented and they were recognized with the Best Poster Award.
Hemmattie and Jasmatie created a prototype of an interactive game where the user chooses
elements and the program stores data for those elements, showing the structure along
with mass, enthalpy, flammability, and pictures.
“It will help chemistry students and general users who would like to get an idea of
chemical elements in understanding and visualizing how a variety of compounds interact
and their composition,” Hemmattie explained. “Students will be able to understand
how the coding language C# is used and can easily edit the code so they can become
acquainted with adding onto a program, becoming collaborators, and co-developers with
the programming alchemist,” Jasmatie added.
Their mentors for the project were Dr. Lorena Harris, Director of CSTEP, Keion Clinton,
Associate Professor, and Dr. Amy Osborne, Assistant Professor, from the Division of
Math, Science, Technology and Health, and Mykha’el Wilson, Assistant Professor in
the Division of Business, Criminal Justice and Law.
Hemmattie is a senior at Schenectady High School and completing her degree at SUNY
Schenectady through the Schenectady Smart Transfer Early College High School Program.
A participant in CSTEP and the Liberty Partnerships Program, she is involved with
Teen Science Café and a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. After she graduates
next month, Hemmattie plans to transfer on for her bachelor’s degree in chemistry.
Jasmatie, who is also a participant in CSTEP and the TRIO program, is involved in Teen Science Café and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and International Club. She plans to complete her associate degree next fall and then pursue her certificate in Computer Repair and Networking.